1 20 kV Power Room BMI Tehran/Tehran 2023- Under-Construction
2 68 Gensets MCI Tehran/Iran 2023- Under-Construction
3 Completion and development of infrastructure of Amirabad port electrical installations (10 Substations) Amirabad Port Special Economic Zone Amirabad Port Special Economic Zone/ Iran 2021- Under-Construction
4 Electrical, Mechanical, Communications Equipment (CCTV, HVAC, etc.) for 66kV Underground Cable Tunnel to University of Shiraz 230 kV GIS Substation Fars Regional Electric Company Shiraz Province / Iran 2021- Under-Construction
5 Instrumentation and Control of Substations 2 and 4 of NGL 3200 and Electrification of Unis 1 to 9 of Gas Refinery of NGL 3200 Khalij-e-Fars Holding Ahvaz/Iran 2021-2022
6 Eighteen 20 kV Feeder Systems (Upgrade of 5 Substations 63/20 kV) S.B.E.CO Mohammad Abad Sistan & Baluchestan/Iran 2020-2022
7 Harmonic filter compensation system 132 kV, Substation Ingot factory Iran Alumina Co Jajarm/ Iran 2020-2022
8 NGL3200, West of Karoun 230/33 kV Substation Khalij-e-Fars Holding Ahwaz/Iran 2016-2019
9 Development Alvand 63/20 kV Substation Z.R.B.Co. Zanjan/Iran 2016-2019
10 Oilfield Azar 132/20kV Substation P.E.D.E.Co. Mehran/Iran 2013-2015
11 Kalleh 63/20 kV Substation Kalleh Co. Amol/Iran 2013-2015
12 Sonegon Dam 63/6 kV Substation N.I.C.I.Co. Ahar/Iran 2011-2013
13 Instrumentation and Control, Dehloran Oil Field O.E.I. D Dehloran/Iran 2011-2013